Introductory Course
What do I wear for my introduction?
For your introductory class we give you a t shirt that you can train in for those two sessions so all you need to wear is some track pants and comfortable joggers. People come in with boots and going out shoes but they soon find that they should have brought some joggers. Once you join the school we do require everyone to wear uniforms that you can purchase from the school.
Can I pay with cash or card?
You can pay Online or when you come in for your first class. We accept cash and card.
What do I need to bring with me on the day?
A water bottle is best. Thats about all. We provide the motivation.
What will I learn?
Quite a lot. Your instructor is very experienced in their field. Especially in ensuring you get the best value for your money. By the time you finish your first class you’ll be able to practise at home right away.
What happens after the introductory program?
After your second class you get to sit down with Sifu George Michielsen and chat about the next steps.
Can I try out more than one course?
Most nights there is a Chen Tai Class or Qigong class right after Adult Kung Fu. Yes go ahead and try them. In fact, we offer a complimentary class in either Chen Tai Chi or Qigong with your Adult Kung Fu introduction.
Can I bring a friend with me last minute?
That would be great. We can cater for any last minute things like that. We find that people love joining with friends that have a common like.
What time should I get there?
15 minutes before the class time you booked in starts. That way we can give you the free t shirt and show you around the Academy
When do I book my second session in?
After your first class just go straight to the reception area where you first walked in and they’ll book it in at a time that suits you best
How long do the classes of for?
Adult classes go for 1 hour. the Preschoolers class is 30 minute and the Junior and Teenage classes are 45 minutes
Do I have to book all my introductory classes online?
You only book in your first introductory class online. Once you come into the school we find a time that best suits you for your second class then once you joins a student you simply walk through the door sign in and enjoy training.
How much are classes?
Class prices can vary depending on how much you train. The more you train the cheaper the class. And the Academy is open to you 7 Days a week. Our classes are great value and have no hidden extras so our prices include all classes, personalised grading, and subsequent coloured belts. When you join the Adult Kung Fu program it also includes Tai Chi and Qigong classes, and for our Junior Kung Fu program we offer discount to parents for our Tai Chi and Qigong program.
How do I get started?
Great question. you can book your first class by phoning us on 9240 4240 or online here
Come in to the Academy on the date you chose, our friendly front counter team greet and guide you through everything.
Start with the two, no obligation introductory classes for $25 and get the FREE Dragon T-shirt.
After your introductory classes, one of your instructors will have a chat with you and answer any questions that you may have about getting started at the Academy.
I travel a lot, how does this affect my training?
Once you get into the swing of things you’ll be able to train as you travel. When you come to the Academy we show how to train when away and also what to train. You can also get the Online courses to bring with you anywhere. Please ask us for more details when you call.
Do we offer Pensioner or Family discount?
We like everyone to enjoy the many benefits martial arts can bring, so we offer discounts for students in Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qigong, also family discounts are available. Any discounts and promotions are discussed with you in full after your introductory classes.
How Do The Classes Work
The normal procedure for our regular timetable classes are:
1. Come to class 10 minutes early to settle and get ready.
2. Class starts with a guided meditation and warm up with everyone together.
3. Students get split up into their levels and an allocated Instructor runs each level with Assistant Instructors to help guide you
4. At the end we have a cooling down period where you can chat with other students or just stretch down for the night.
Adult Kung Fu
What style do you teach?
Choy Lay Fut Buk Sing. Its one of the biggest styles in the world. Bruce Lee quoted “Choy Lay Fut is the hardest style to defend against multiple attackers”
I have never done Kung Fu or Martial Arts before is this OK?
Everyone starts somewhere. We take you from complete beginner to as far you are willing to go.
What is the best age to start ? Am I too old?
A lot of people ask this. There is no best age to start. Just by enquiring you already have started no matter what your age or level of experience.
How long does it take to get good?
Some people get good right away some people take a little more time. Our program caters for all levels and the more you come to the Academy the better you’ll get. Practise at home and Online and you’ll get better even quicker.
Is your Academy a purpose built facility?
Yes it is. This Academy was first opened in Balcatta in 1995 and both schools are just for for Martial Arts
Can I also do Tai Chi / Qigong with Kung Fu?
It is recommended as they actually enhance each other.
How much are the sessions?
That all depends on how often you come. You can sit down with Sifu George Michielsen or the counter staff and they can go through all the prices with you and any discounts you may be entitled to.
How do I get started?
Great question. you can book your first class On Line at this link ……. When you come in to the school on the night you chose we great you and explain everything you need to know. Or you could phone us directly on 08 9240 4240
I am FIFO or I travel away a lot, how does this affect my training?
We have many options for this as we cater for FIFOs all the time. Just call us and we can give you the answers directly
Are there student or unemployed discounts?
There are discounts available. Just chat directly with Sifu George Michielsen or the counter staff to see what may be available.
Do I have to Spar or get or fight with someone?
No you are not forced to do any contact. You’ll find though that you would want to try it out. Our Instructors are extremely experienced in Tournament Training from around the world and completely understand peoples desire not to do sparring.
How long will it take before I can defend myself?
Right away. In your first class we show you some simple effective self defence techniques that you can use. Both female and male techniques
Am I too old to start?
Never. If you don't start how will you know? We have students right up to the age of 70 plus in both Tai Chi and Kung Fu
How much are classes?
Class prices can vary depending on how much you train. The more you train the cheaper the class. And the Academy is open to you 7 Days a week. Our classes are great value and have no hidden extras so our prices include all classes, personalised grading, and subsequent coloured belts. When you join the Adult Kung Fu program it also includes Tai Chi and Qigong classes, and for our Junior Kung Fu program we offer discount to parents for our Tai Chi and Qigong program.
How do I get started?
Great question. you can book your first class by phoning us on 9240 4240 or online here
Come in to the Academy on the date you chose, our friendly front counter team greet and guide you through everything.
Start with the two, no obligation introductory classes for $25 and get the FREE Dragon T-shirt.
After your introductory classes, one of your instructors will have a chat with you and answer any questions that you may have about getting started at the Academy.
How do I learn online?
Thanks to technology and the huge demand, we have placed as much of our classes as we can in the members section of the website. Easy, informative videos that you can follow wherever you have computer or smart phone. You can purchase them and use it wherever and whenever you like.
I travel a lot, how does this affect my training?
Once you get into the swing of things you’ll be able to train as you travel. When you come to the Academy we show how to train when away and also what to train. You can also get the Online courses to bring with you anywhere. Please ask us for more details when you call.
Do we offer Pensioner or Family discount?
We like everyone to enjoy the many benefits martial arts can bring, so we offer discounts for students in Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qigong, also family discounts are available. Any discounts and promotions are discussed with you in full after your introductory classes.
How Do The Classes Work
The normal procedure for our regular timetable classes are:
1. Come to class 10 minutes early to settle and get ready.
2. Class starts with a guided meditation and warm up with everyone together.
3. Students get split up into their levels and an allocated Instructor runs each level with Assistant Instructors to help guide you
4. At the end we have a cooling down period where you can chat with other students or just stretch down for the night.
Kids and Teens
Will my child learn how to defend themselves even against bullying?
Yes in many ways. We have zero tolerance for bullying. Firstly they learn to recognise what bullying is physically, manually and on the internet. Its a big thing that we ensure everyone at the academy is aware of this and how to defend themselves and if the need arises to defend others.
Are the class sizes big?
The classes do get big. We always have enough experienced Instructors on the floor to cater for it. Big classes provide big energy, loads of fun and and the opportunity to learn how to interact with others.
Do your instructors have Working With Children Checks?
Most definitely. It is also a legal requirement
Can I stay and watch the class?
There is a viewing area. We prefer less distraction for the kids so they can completely focus on training and learning. The large carpark is always full of parents getting together waiting for their children too.
How many times should I bring my child to Kung Fu per week?
Minimum of two time per week to get the results. As they become more accustom to training they will want to come everyday. And Classes are available everyday 7 days a week.
What are the benefits of starting them young?
Getting started in Kung Fu or anything is an advantage. They quickly absorb everything and carry the knowledge on through their entire lives.
Are there mixed girls and boys in the class?
Yes there is. There is no discrimination of any kind here at the Academy and everyone here interacts in an appropriate nature. In fact, over a third of our junior classes have girls in them.
Do you teach them discipline?
Yes we teach what discipline actually is. They gain a natural understanding of discipline because everyone is doing the same thing. Our method is Praise in public and Correct in private.
Are you open for the school holidays?
We are open everyday except a couple over Christmas and New Years. Our programs run all year round seven days a week. We are actually aiming to go 24 hours one day.
How much are classes?
Class prices can vary depending on how much you train. The more you train the cheaper the class. And the Academy is open to you 7 Days a week. Our classes are great value and have no hidden extras so our prices include all classes, personalised grading, and subsequent coloured belts. When you join the Adult Kung Fu program it also includes Tai Chi and Qigong classes, and for our Junior Kung Fu program we offer discount to parents for our Tai Chi and Qigong program.
How do I learn online?
Thanks to technology and the huge demand, we have placed as much of our classes as we can in the members section of the website. Easy, informative videos that you can follow wherever you have computer or smart phone. You can purchase them and use it wherever and whenever you like.
Do we offer Pensioner or Family discount?
We like everyone to enjoy the many benefits martial arts can bring, so we offer discounts for students in Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qigong, also family discounts are available. Any discounts and promotions are discussed with you in full after your introductory classes.
How Do The Classes Work
The normal procedure for our regular timetable classes are:
1. Come to class 10 minutes early to settle and get ready.
2. Class starts with a guided meditation and warm up with everyone together.
3. Students get split up into their levels and an allocated Instructor runs each level with Assistant Instructors to help guide you
4. At the end we have a cooling down period where you can chat with other students or just stretch down for the night.
Tai Chi and Qigong
What is Chi And How Does It Affect Us?
What is Chi and how does it affect us? "Chi" [also spelled Qi or Ki] is simply the Chinese word for "breath." Not only the breath of humans but the breath of the universe and everything in it. In your body Chi also manifests as the flow of blood around your body. The greater and easier it flows the greater the energy you have. Hence the stronger your “Chi” becomes. Read our article about Chi
Or check this out on youtube: Awesome Tai Chi Display
[caption id="attachment_1676" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Tai Chi practice to discover Qi[/caption]
What is difference between Tai Chi and Qigong?
Chi Gong, Chi Kung, Qigong, Qi Gong (again all the same just spelt differently through complications of translation to english language) is a form of Tai Chi. The differences lay in the set of movements that you learn as well as how you breath during those exercises.
I have never trained in Tai Chi or Qigong, is that OK?
Absolutely!. We have new members starting year round and we always have an introductory beginner instructor working with you so that you are comfortable learning the moves for the first time.
I have heard of so many different types of Tai Chi, why is this one the right one?
This system of Tai Chi has been specially chosen to fit in with The Shaolin Qigong and the style of Kung Fu taught at the Academy. All the hard work of finding the right one has been done for you.
What Style do you teach?
We teach teach Chen Tai Chi and the very rare Shaolin Qigong
How do I know what style to choose?
We suggest to experiment and see what you enjoy. When you get started in our introductory program you will have the opportunity to try both courses. Simply pay for one and the other is complimentary.
Is there any self defence movements in Tai Chi or Qigong ?
Yes Chen Tai Chi and Qigong have hidden self defence moves that are slowed down to disguise them. The more you learn the more you will see them.
Do you follow School Terms and Holidays?
Our Tai Chi and Qigong classes run every week of the year, with a very short break over the Christmas and New Year period. This means that you can join us anytime of the year and with the comfort of knowing that you wont be interrupted due to school holidays.
Are the classes big?
Yes we have many students learning Tai Chi and Qigong at the Academy. To ensure every student gets that one on one help, we always have several instructors teaching in any one class. That means, your group size will be nice and small, and you will get to see what all the other students are doing around you.
Can you do Tai Chi and Qigong?
Yes! We have many students that enjoy the benefits of learning both of the styles. You gain a deeper understanding and have more variety to choose from when you practice at home.
Is there self defence movements in Tai Chi and Qigong?
Yes indeed. Both Tai Chi and Qigong are based on Kung Fu moves. In fact Kung Fu originated from a Monk called Dart Mo who meditated in a cave for 9 years and came out to teach other monks the art of Qigong.
I have a bad back, arthritis etc, can this help?
We choose not to give medical advice. However we can assure you that many people who do Tai Chi or Qigong experience great improvements in their health, both mentally and especially physically. We explain it as soft NO impact exercise which is what every human body requires.
Am I too old to start?
Never. If you don't start how will you know? We have students right up to the age of 70 plus in both Tai Chi and Kung Fu
How much are classes?
Class prices can vary depending on how much you train. The more you train the cheaper the class. And the Academy is open to you 7 Days a week. Our classes are great value and have no hidden extras so our prices include all classes, personalised grading, and subsequent coloured belts. When you join the Adult Kung Fu program it also includes Tai Chi and Qigong classes, and for our Junior Kung Fu program we offer discount to parents for our Tai Chi and Qigong program.
Can I try out both styles?
Everyone does. Its the best way to find out exactly what works for you. If you like them, you can do both. They are included in the price.
How do I get started?
Great question. you can book your first class by phoning us on 9240 4240 or online here
Come in to the Academy on the date you chose, our friendly front counter team greet and guide you through everything.
Start with the two, no obligation introductory classes for $25 and get the FREE Dragon T-shirt.
After your introductory classes, one of your instructors will have a chat with you and answer any questions that you may have about getting started at the Academy.
How do I learn online?
Thanks to technology and the huge demand, we have placed as much of our classes as we can in the members section of the website. Easy, informative videos that you can follow wherever you have computer or smart phone. You can purchase them and use it wherever and whenever you like.
I travel a lot, how does this affect my training?
Once you get into the swing of things you’ll be able to train as you travel. When you come to the Academy we show how to train when away and also what to train. You can also get the Online courses to bring with you anywhere. Please ask us for more details when you call.
Do we offer Pensioner or Family discount?
We like everyone to enjoy the many benefits martial arts can bring, so we offer discounts for students in Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qigong, also family discounts are available. Any discounts and promotions are discussed with you in full after your introductory classes.
How Do The Classes Work
The normal procedure for our regular timetable classes are:
1. Come to class 10 minutes early to settle and get ready.
2. Class starts with a guided meditation and warm up with everyone together.
3. Students get split up into their levels and an allocated Instructor runs each level with Assistant Instructors to help guide you
4. At the end we have a cooling down period where you can chat with other students or just stretch down for the night.
Learning Online
Do you help parents with tips on how to get their children practicing?
Practise practise practise. Our favourite thing. We are always contactable during business hours and via email and possibly over Skype.
Can I access the classes anytime?
Yes you can. As long as you have access to the internet.
Do we learn the same thing as students at the Academy?
We have kept the online programs as close to possible as what is done at the Academy.
Can I get Skype or Online real coaching with an Instructor?
Yes we have this option when prior arrangements have been made.
Can I get a uniform and certificates?
Uniforms and Certificates are all available online.
Is it possible to meet with the Sifu?
Sifu George Michielsen makes himself as available as possible to all students. Obviously geographical distances make it harder but there are always ways around it.